Thursday, May 24, 2018

Well, we've agreed that flying is the answer but now have to find safe long-term parking for the trip. The Guatemala airport parking is apparently a favorite place for thieves to disable your car, follow you and rob you. I'm going to stay one more night here and Charles will wrap up his classes and see what he can find about parking in Antigua so that we can possibly leave on Sunday. Once we get to Panama we will rent a car and try to achieve our goals there. I should have asked Maximon to settle Nicaragua down a little. Students and protesters still getting killed and injured with no clear way through the country because of anti-government roadblocks. So, “best laid plans of mice and men” etc. I don't think that the foreign policy genius Trump is going to do much good about the situation. I've spent all day trying to rejigger our plans and am seriously tired of it. We planned the trip for months and this seems a little rushed.