Monday, May 7, 2018

We arrived at La Pesca about a half an hour after dark and did not find the pay campsite but met some nice locals who said we could camp in the park. It looked surprisingly clean and pleasant with Palapas and everything. It was pretty late and there a strong breeze and no mosquitos so we just set up our cots and slept outside. Well, the breeze died down and guess who showed up.

After coffee we went to look at other sites and found the one that will be ours for at least a night more.

We went to town for breakfast and ice. We decided to buy a couple of folding chairs and a fishing pole w/tackle. Charles promised to provide fish for dinner and caught this beauty on his first cast.


  1. is that fish legal and second of all I hope you had sides to go with it!

  2. Nice job making it so far guys. Please take care and don't fight Bill.
