Sunday, April 29, 2018

Interstate closed in Kentucky

April 27, 2018

We began our central American odyssey at 10:36 from Knoxville TN.  We made it to the end of the driveway, but a last minute Air B&B reservation for my house delayed us to 11:06, a delay that will no doubt grow as the trip progresses.

The shortest distance to Louisville is not a straight line.  Construction on I-75 sent us through the charming town of Livingston, KY, where we had lunch at the Bingham Country Kitchen.  Bill persuaded the owner that she needed to reposition her sign to attract the diverted interstate traffic.  She persuaded us to carry it to the other side of the street.  Her son said it was illegal to block the sidewalk like that.  Too late, we were gone, arriving in Kansas City, Kansas (Bill's home) just before midnight after a 13 hour drive.

The Toyota 4Runner performed well for a 20 year-old vehicle. 
It should last until we are completely cut off from civilization in the deepest jungle.