Saturday, May 12, 2018

The Lion fish from La Pesca.

The roads we are driving are remarkable in that we transition from dessert to mountains,
then high dessert
followed by cloud forest and again dessert in one day.  We've seen Caracaras horned toads and birds I don't know.  In the cloud forest there were bananas in remarkable colors; red, orange, yellow and dark green. 
We drove today at an average speed of about 30 miles an hour on a road that seemed to be computer generated for sports car ads.  The sign said "Carreterra Sinuoso"  There are no such sinuous roads in the U.S. I'm sure.  Hairpin doesn't begin to describe it.  There were landslide zones and rockslide zones and a few places where one half of the highway had slid down the mountain.  
We have arrived at our accomocations for the next two nights, then an overnight and into Guatemala.


  1. Just looking at the picture of that road gives me anxiety. Hope the beast is treating you well!

  2. Love the lush courtyard with fountain👍👍

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Did you eat that lionfish? The internet says they're good
